
Talking to Strangers
One of the reasons I really enjoy traveling is because I get the opportunity to walk outside of my comfort zone. “Opportunity,” perhaps, is not the right word: I am dumped out of my comfort zone, surrounded by potential lifeboats who don’t always speak English and who I don’t always know how to utilize…

Like a Raisin in the Sun
It must have been early fall. The grapes were hanging down in dense, sticky sweet bunches. Most of the grapes on the farm had gone by, no more than raisins on the vine, but if you knew where to look, there were still a few succulent fruits hanging among the leaves…

Home is the concrete paths and patterns of familiar potholes. Home is where the pavements turns from pale, cracked, and crumbled new ascphalt. Home is wherever a blanket of stars rolls out for you each evening…